About Me

Hi, I’m Johnny Fevur.  Welcome to my site!  I’ve loved music since probably around the age of 8 or 9 when I got my first record player for Christmas.  I remember it was made by Fisher Price and was white and closed up like a suitcase so it was portable even though you still had to plug it into the wall.  I had been listening to the radio a lot and listening to records on my Dad’s stereo system.  I’m guessing he probably got tired of me scratching his records so it was time for a record player of my own!  LOL!  I loved that record player so much that I tried to take it everywhere I went.  I remember one year trying to take it on our family vacation across the country from Nebraska to California!  My parents quickly vetoed that!

Over the years, my musical tastes grew.  Throughout elementary school it was mainly pop music.  In Junior High, my tastes followed my new passion for skateboarding.  With this came my introduction into thrash metal and punk rock.  I listened heavily to Suicidal Tendencies and Metallica and also mixed in Beastie Boys and Run-DMC.

My High School years showed some maturity as I added some Jazz, country, standards, R&B, Hip Hop and musicals to my musical interests while mainly listening to acts such as Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Red Hot Chilipeppers and Boyz II Men.

In my college years, I saw many concerts and it was awesome.  I saw artists such as Frank Sinatra, Nirvana, Green Day, The Beach Boys, Stone Temple Pilots, Alan Jackson, The Dixie Chicks and many more.  I even saw Color Me Badd and Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.  Can you tell where most of my paychecks went to?!?!

Nowadays I listen to music mostly in the car and sometimes at work.  In the internet age, it is so much easier to find new music and new artists.  There is so much new music out there to explore.  I hope to bring some of that new music here for you all to explore and discover as well as review mainstream artists out there that are topping the charts and continuing their creativity!  I hope that you will join me and have a listen!


Johnny Fevur