Billie Eilish Not Only Debuts a New Album but a Total Experience For Fans

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So today is the big day that the millions of Billie Eilish fans across the world get to experience Billie Eilish’s new album “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do we Go?”

I expected to listen to the album like any other I would, just click on the new album and listen to it on Spotify. But this time there was a link at the top of the screen that said, “The Billie Eilish Experience” I was hesitant at first because I didn’t know what that was, if it was going to be the new album or something else? Well, it turns out that it is the new album but better! Well, if you are just say sitting around with nothing much to do and have time to really listen and look at your screen every once in awhile.

Remember those days and for some, those days may be now and not in the past, but remember those days when you could just flop yourself across your bed and lay there listening to your favorite bands new album you just bought on either a record album or a tape or a CD? You’d lay there staring at the album cover art or maybe looking at the sleeve that may have lyrics or just some odd pictures but it was something you could enjoy looking at as you lay there absorbing the music. Well, Spotify and Billie have given that to us with “The Billie Eilish Experience”

For each song, you either get a gif like moving artistic drawing or a repeating part of one of her videos or bloopers from the making of one of her videos. I’ve let the album restart and now I am actually getting different pictures and videos. For instance, the first time listening “you should see me in a crown” had a repeated part of the video where the spider is crawling out of Billie’s mouth. On this second time around, I am seeing the full spider video for “you should see me in a crown”! Wow, this is just blowing my mind! I’m thinking how this is just GENUIS! I mean, if you want your fans to listen to you music over and over, this is a great way of helping that process along! I’m wondering how many times something different will show up for each song?

So, I’ve included a link to the Billie Eilish album on Spotify that on mobile will give you the incredible visual experience that I’ve been talking about. Not only will it allow you to listen to this incredibly awesome album but you will experience it! Experience Billie’s new album on Spotify now at

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Now, there is this other mind blowing experience Billie Eilish is doing in Downtown Los Angeles called The Billie Eilish Experience. According to the information on For one weekend only, Billie’s debut album is being turned into an immersive sensory experience. Across 14 unique rooms, you’ll be guided through the sights, smells, and sensations of the world of WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? This is happeneing as I said in Downtown Los Angeles March 29, 30 and 31st. RSVP list is now full and get this, All attendees must sign a risk waiver form to enter the venue!!!! WTF? I wonder what that’s about?!?!

Gif from GifQueen

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